Rules and advice to authors

Conditions to be author

- The journal is primarily open to any member in good standing of assessment. It will be requested a supplement for (co)authors wishing to publish without being a member.
- The financial contribution automatically entitled to 10 reprints (per paper) for the first author and a copy in pdf format, requiring the agreement of a contract regulating the use of pdf (see Appendix E).
- The costs of publication are requested to first author, responsible of global and unique payment (per paper) if case of co-authors.

- The copyright, particularly the illustrations belong to Entomologia Africana. Any distribution, other than reprints, is prohibited, without express consent of the journal, particularly the availability of digital copying Internet or another digital channel or method of reproduction.

- Priorities are set according to the rules - "in order of payment"-"first come, first served".

Requirements for papers

Authors should ensure respect for the decency, the spirit of society and to respect the rules and spirit of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (cf. /).

Each paper will be subject to the approval of the editorial board of the journal.

The layout is the responsibility of the editor (see also Appendix D).

Articles are written in French or English.

Those of scientific nature include at least

  • title
  • names of authors and their addresses
  • two (or more) abstracts (one English, one in the language of the paper, ...)
  • keywords (see Appendix B)
  • abbreviations
  • introduction
  • body
  • discussion and / or conclusion
  • bibliography (see Appendix C for the minimum requirement form of the bibliography).

Papers will be sent for submission to the editorial board in their final form. This will include a paper copy, a digital copy in PC format with drawings, charts and color photos (or B/W) duly captioned (either printed or digital photos on CD, with resolution of 300 dpi minimum, not extrapolated). The mounting of incomplete plates, not formatted correctly or requiring unusual manoeuvres can result in costs that are automatically charged to the author.
Once the paper accepted (sometimes with minor modifications requested by the editor), it will be returned only once to the author with the possibility of minor corrections. The final layout is done according to the requirements of the particular layout of each issue and it is the responsibility of the editor.

"Hors série" and supplements :Society also publishes reviews, large papers (15 + pages) or supplements of at least 16 pages as a billable supplement or not (information to the secretariat and financial conditions on a case by case).

Appendice B

Key words are cited in the following order : order, family, sub-family, tribe, genus, species, n. sp., comb nov., geographical region, land, new records.

Appendice C

Bibliographical references must included at least the followings information and under the following layout :
ANTOINE, Ph., BEINHUNDER, G. & LEGRAND, J.-Ph., 2003. - Contribution à la connaissance du genre Rhabdotis Burmeister (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae). I : le groupe de Rhabdotis picta (F.). Coléoptères , 9 (22) : 315-346.

Appendice D

The tables are not recommended except in the case of comparison.
The first mention of a name in the title, in the summary and in the text will take the binomial (or trinomial) form, complete with date and author.
Any name followed by its status as n. sp., n. ssp. , stat. rev., nom. nov. must be in normal character throughout the text.
For descriptions of new names, the author should refer to Article 16 of the ICZN.

Appendice E

SEA gives the opportunity to authors to get a pdf copy of their published work under certain conditions.


If you don’t agree with the contract that follows (see below), you can’t use (in any case) the PDF document.

The works concerned are the "normal" works meant for publication in our magazines that are not monographs, special issues, etc..

The authors will therefore receive 10 offprints and, if they wish (and agree with these regulations) a "protected" pdf copy

Regulations :

- No part of the publication may be reproduced in any form whatsoever, nor be stored, used, propagated and distributed by means of a method or through electronic media without a formal written permission of the publisher.

- Authors receiving a “protected” pdf version of the work may only use it for private exchanges with colleagues and only on individual request. This means it should not be distributed via a general email and / or a preset list of email addresses, even using the "bcc" method sent to oneself or a similar technique.

- Internet online access ( sensu lato ) of this “protected” pdf version of the published work is completely prohibited unless with formal written permission of the publisher. Are also concerned any forms of the work that have been redesigned, cut, reformatted, etc..

- The author that receives a “protected” pdf copy of his published work remains responsible for its (mis) use and potential non compliance with the regulations by a third party.

- Noncompliance to, or misuse of the above regulations will lead to the author being immediately struck off the concerned publications, both as a writer and as a subscriber. In addition, the “Société d'entomologie africaine ASBL” and/or Entomologia Africana reserve the right to start an infringement action and ask for compensatory damages.

- If a work meant for publication is signed by several authors, each of them must be a subscriber to the publication concerned and formally agree with the above regulations in order to receive a “protected” pdf version of it.

If you wish to receive such a pdf version of your work, you must agree with the previous regulations, and return the agreement by email with "read and approved" next to your name and first name. This email will serve as a contract between you and both the  “Société d'entomologie africaine ASBL” and Entomologia Africana. You may prefer to send us a paper copy of this Appendix with "read and approved" followed by your first name, name and signature. This agreement will cover the entire work of the author with the  “Société d'entomologie africaine ASBL” and Entomologia Africana.